The pandemic has underscored the serious and often deadly injustice of tying health coverage to employment, while leaving upwards of 87 million Americans uninsured or underinsured even in normal times. States like Georgia and Louisiana, which refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, lead the nation in hospital closures, infant & maternal mortality, and disproportionate deaths among African Americans due to Coronavirus. The situation is now worsening as millions more workers and their families lose coverage because they’ve lost their jobs. The solution is to fully recognize healthcare as a human right and implement Medicare for All as the cost-effective way to provide enhanced coverage to everyone.
Green New Deal
The climate crisis is an emergency, and we’re running out of time to stop the most catastrophic impacts. With our entire economy in free-fall and requiring bailing out due to the coronavirus pandemic, now is the time to rapidly decarbonize. Instead of propping up the dying fossil fuel industry, we must accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy through a just transition that puts human needs first, reinvests in frontline and marginalized communities, puts millions of people to work in good-paying union jobs, and ensures that critical energy systems operate under public democratic control. We know that black & brown communities are disproportionately impacted by environmental racism, with increased rates of asthma, cancer and other diseases.
Cancel Student Debt
Forty-five million people in this country are burdened with $1.7 trillion in student debt. For the average college graduate, that means coping with nearly $30,000 in loans, while students who leave college before graduating also carry a heavy debt load. s both the biggest and has grown the fastest among those with a college education, primarily due to student loans. The racial wealth gap is both the biggest and has grown the fastest among those with a college education, primarily due to student loans. By canceling student debt, we can stimulate the economy from the ground up and make it possible for America’s young adults to pursue their dreams — including careers helping the most vulnerable among us — without the often-crushing burden of debt.
End the Wars
The United States has been engaged in endless wars for nearly 20 years. By turning away from what Martin Luther King Jr. called “the madness of militarism,” we can reorder our priorities and devote far more of the nation’s resources to sustaining and improving lives instead of taking them. The federal discretionary budget—57 percent of which now goes to the military—should be directed toward meeting human needs and providing for true national security in all its dimensions.
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The political programs long championed by Bernie Sanders are more needed than ever. We can—and we must—carry on this fight.

khalid kamau
America’s first #BlackLivesMatter organizer elected public office, Councilman khalid is leading a generation from protest to politics. He represents South Fulton, GA — Atlanta’s new Twin City (est. 2017) & the Blackest City in America.

Linda Sarsour
Linda Sarsour is an award-winning racial justice and civil rights activist, community organizer, every Islamophobe’s worst nightmare and mother of three. She is the co-founder of the first Muslim online organizing platform, MPower Change. Linda was one of the national co-chairs of the Women’s March on Washington and has been named amongst 500 of the most influential Muslims in the world.

Norman Solomon
Norman is the co-founder and national coordinator of His books include “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death” and “Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America’s Warfare State.” He is the founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.

Nina Turner
Hailed as the Shirley Chisholm of our time, Nina Turner is a motivational speaker, cable news commentator, and defining political icon. She served as a national co-chair of the Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign, and is a former state senator from Ohio, and former professor of African-American history. She also led the grassroots organization Our Revolution, helping revitalize American democracy and empower progressive leaders.

Norman Solomon
Norman is the co-founder and national coordinator of His books include “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death” and “Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America’s Warfare State.” He is the founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.

Nina Turner
Hailed as the Shirley Chisholm of our time, Nina Turner is a motivational speaker, cable news commentator, and defining political icon. She served as a national co-chair of the Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign, and is a former state senator from Ohio, and former professor of African-American history. She also led the grassroots organization Our Revolution, helping revitalize American democracy and empower progressive leaders.